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新晃一中2023年下期新进教师过关课 英语 李畅 教案

2023年10月29日 23:18:19 来源:网校空间 访问量:43



Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy

Extended reading


I. Learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. learn some knowledge about tai chi and the ancient Chinese culture behind it;

2. understand the authors experience of learning tai chi and his attitude towards it;

3. develop interest in sports and Chinese traditional culture.


II. Key competence focus

1. Analyse the changes in the authors attitude towards tai chi.

2. Improve the ability of integrating, generalizing and applying information. 

3. Develop critical thinking towards practising tai chi.


III. Predicted area of difficulty

1. Analyse the changes in the authors attitude towards tai chi.

2. Integrate, generalize and apply information.


IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

1. T greets Ss and asks them the following questions:

Do you like sports?

Whats your favourite sport?

What was your ... experience like?

  1. T shows Ss a picture of tai chi and asks them a question.

T: How much do you know about tai chi? Can you share something with us?



Step 2 Title prediction

T asks Ss to pay attention to the title and answer a question.

T: Can you predict what balance the author achieved through learning tai chi?

T: Now lets read the magazine article and check whether your prediction is right.



Step 3 Global reading

T asks Ss to find out the structure of the article.

Part I (para.1) General introduction to the authors experience of learning tai chi

Part II (paras. 24) Details about the tai chi experience

Part III (para. 5) Benefits from learning tai chi



Step 4 Detailed reading

T asks Ss to read the article carefully for details.

  1. What was the author’s tai chi experience like?

At first: I always believed tai chi was for old people and hesitated.

During the first few classes: I found they were fun and easy, and learned a lot about the history of tai chi.

After those first few classes: I found myself bored and aching, but with the help of the coach, my love for tai chi returned. I also learned about the Chinese culture behind it.

One year later: I found that tai chi had a positive effect on me.

  1. What were the first few classes like for the author?

The moves, with descriptive moves, really caught his imagination.

T: What are the examples mentioned by the author? White crane spreading its wings and golden rooster standing on one leg.

His coach told him about the history of tai chi.

T: What do people use to think about the origin of tai chi? Zhang Sanfeng, a 13th-century Taoist, was said to have invented tai chi after drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird. 

T: What do people tend to believe nowadays? Chen Wangting, a 17th-century master of Chinese martial arts, developed tai chi based on martial arts skills. Chen Wangtings original set of moves is called Chen-style tai chi, but other styles of tai chi have since been developed, including Yang-style, Wu-style and Sun-style.

  1. How did the author solve his problem after the first few classes?

What was the authors problem?

He found himself bored and aching from doing the same moves over and over again.

How did the author solve his problem? 

His coach taught him how to relax his muscles and focus on peace of mind while performing the routine.

How was the author after he solved the problem? 

His balance and flexibility slowly improved, he was able to do more difficult moves and his love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.

4. Whats the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi?

Tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang.

T: What is the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang? Yin and yang are believed to form the unity of opposites. Neither can exist independent of the other; for example, there is no shadow without light.

The practice of tai chi aims to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements.

T: What are the opposite movements? Forwards and backwards, up and down, left and right, breathing in and breathing out.

Tai chi brings about a state of physical balance and mental peace.

T: Now can you understand the meaning of balance in the title of the article? Is your guess at the beginning of our lesson right?

5. What positive effects does practising tai chi have on the author?

Sleep better at night

Be more energetic during the day

Feel happier and more confident

Relax his mind and enable him to stay cool in stressful situations



Step 5 Summary writing

Write a summary of the magazine article about the authors tai chi experience in your own words.



Step 6 Critical thinking

T asks Ssto answer the following question and encourages them to express their attitudes towards learning tai chi and Chinese traditional culture.

Do you think tai chi will get more popular among teenagers? Why or why not?

Suggested answers:

I think tai chi will get more popular among teenagers because:

tai chi is good for physical and mental health;           

tai chi brings about a state of physical and mental balance;

tai chi broadens horizons and enriches knowledge on the ancient Chinese culture.

I think tai chi will not get more popular among teenagers because:

tai chi isn’t to teenagers’ taste because of its slow pace;

tai chi takes much time;

tai chi is not practical for teenagers with heavy study pressure.

Sample answer:

I think tai chi will definitely become more popular among teenagers because I believe young people are becoming more aware of the importance of physical and mental health. Tai chi is great because it helps with both. This should make it a good choice for teenagers who want to take up exercise. Also, as a traditional Chinese form of exercise, tai chi will probably get a lot of support from the government, schools and other bodies.



V. Homework

1. Polish up your summary.

2. Get divided into groups and search for more reading materials about sports.














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