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2019年10月22日 15:25:38 访问量:1444 作者:兰小娟

                     M1 U3 Reading 教案设计


一.Fast reading:

1.Where does Amy come from?__________________________________

2.What kind of pills did Amy take?________________________________

3.What's the meaning of “Dying to be thin”?_________________________


二.Read the 1st e-mail then fill in the blanks

Amy was an actress in Canada. She (1) ____ to go to the gym to (2)_____  ____ three times a week .Most young women want to have a slim (3)______ .

Since Amy felt (4) ________ of her body, she took some weight-loss pills called (5)________ . These pills really worked.

. Read the 2nd e-mail then judge T/F

1.Amy is now recovering from a bad cold in hospital. (     )

2.The pills were going to completely destroy Amy’s liver if she continued taking them.(     )

3.Amy follows doctor’s advice and often goes to the gym.(      )

. Read the 3rd e-mail then choose the right answer.

1.Why didn't Zhou Ling reply to Amy's e-mails right now?

A.Because she didn't want to.

B.Because she was too busy.

C.Because her computer was broken.

D.Because she didn't know what to say.

2. Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend_____.

A. did not want to read Amy's e-mails.

B. was sorry to hear about Amy's problem.

C. thinks Amy should lose weight.

D. thinks weight-loss pills are necessary.

3.Amy's experience is_____ .

A.an interesting one.

B.caused by her family.

C.like that of someone in China.

D.a problem only for actresses.

五.Listen to PartB then fill in the blanks with correct form.

Amy was ___actress who_____ (bad) wanted _______(lose) weight, She had weight-loss pills and became_______________(slim and slim). Later on,she was in hospital with liver_____(fail) due to these ____(pill). After_______(follow) the doctor's advice,she was recovering.

   Her friend Zhou Ling was sorry ______ (hear) about it and hoped Amy and other people could learn :“Nothing is______________(importance) than_______(healthy).”

六. Discussion: write down your groups ideas then share.

Yes,we agree/No, we disagree because______________________________________





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