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2024年上学期 李畅B3U1 Reading 教学阐释

2024年04月05日 17:46:55 来源:网校空间 访问量:16

2024年上学期 李畅 B3U1 Welcome to the unit & Reading I



本板块围绕单元话题以保护我们的唯一家园——地球创设情境,展开一系列听、看、说、写等任务活动。任务活动设计围绕一首英文歌曲展开,旨在让学生明白:人类应该对大自然心怀感恩,对所造成的环境危害心存愧疚,并果断采取措施来保护我们的家园。Welcome to the unit板块通过歌曲的形式,着重培养学生听和读的语言技能——婉转悠扬的曲调、简单易懂的歌词,可以让学生在学唱的过程中激发探究本单元的兴趣,为单元学习做好热身。阅读板块是纪录片脚本,内容围绕亚马孙雨林展开,包括亚马孙雨林的基本信息、动植物资源、生物多样性、对地球的重要作用,以及所面临的危险等。

Learning objectives(教学目标):

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. grasp the way of understanding a documentary script;

2. know about some information of the Amazon rainforest;

3. express their opinions on environmental problems;

4. develop their critical thinking ability.

Key competence focus(教学重点):

1. Analyse and summarize the structure of the text.

2. Think critically and express opinions freely.

Predicted area of difficulty(教学难点):

Understand the structure and improve reading skills of the documentary script.

Teaching procedures(教学思路)

Step 1 Lead-in

1. T plays the song on page 1 in class.

2. T leads Ss to talk about the song by answering the following questions:

• What is the message of the song? (It’s time to protect and love our home, the Earth.)

• What can you do to help protect the environment?


Step 2 Prediction

T leads Ss to focus on the title, the pictures and the first paragraph of the script and answer the following questions:

• What will be talked about in the text according to the title and the picture?

• What could be the genre of the article?

• Read the para. 1. What aspects will be mentioned in the following paragraphs?


Step 3 Analysing the structure

T asks Ss to complete part A1 on page 4 with the main idea of each paragraph.

Para. 1: Introduction to the Amazon rainforest

Para. 2: Basic information about the rainforest

Para. 3: Plant biodiversity; levels of the rainforest

Para. 4: Animal biodiversity; food chain

Para. 5: The rainforest’s value to the human race; threats to the rainforest


Step 4 Reading for specific information

1. T asks Ss to read the documentary script again carefully and fill in the blanks with the figures.

The Amazon rainforest

• 8 countries and one overseas region

• Around 6 million km2 of forest

• About 6,400 km in length

• More than 40,000 plant species

• More than 1,300 bird species

• Over 400 species of mammals

• Over 20% of all the Earth’s oxygen produced

• About 17% of the rainforest lost over the past 50 years

2. T asks Ss to read paragraph three and finish the diagram.

From the bottom to the top:

• A system of roots

• The mass of leaf litter

• Shorter plants with large leaves

• Towering ancient hardwoods

• The tops of the tallest trees

3. T asks Ss to read paragraph four and finish the food chain.


Step 5 Summary

T asks Ss to finish the chart to summarize the whole text.

Step 6 Discussion  

1. T asks Ss to answer the following questions:

• What makes the Amazon rainforest a natural treasure according to the script?

• What is your answer to the question at the end of the script? Discuss it with your partner.

2. T makes a conclusion.

T: The Amazon rainforest is of great importance to us. It plays a significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the Earth’s ecosystem. We can’t afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”. We should live in harmony with it. Let’s protect it together!


V. Homework

1. Read the documentary script again and underline the difficult points that you cannot understand.

2. Are there any places in China with rich biodiversity like the Amazon rainforest? What are they? Go to the library or surf the Internet to collect some relevant information.



    备课之初,我一直在为这节课的课堂设计发愁。首先,这堂课肯定是要重点培养学生语言能力、思维品质和学习能力这三个核心素养的,在丰富学生的积累,锻炼学生表达的同时更要关注到单元的主题核心:nature in the balance,即要发现自然环境之美及其存在的问题,然后再分析问题最后再提出解决的方案。                                                         










2. 教态大方自信。




建议:1. 教学环节的整体时间把控能力有待加强。






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